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Tuition and Fees
What does it cost?
PTA Fee per Family: $50
YCC Student Supply Fee: $100
Children's House Student Supply Fee: $100
Elementary Student Supply Fee: $150
Adolescent Student Supply Fee: $500
2024-25 Optional Fees
Sunrise Club (Age 3- Grade 6):
1 day/week = $485/year
2 days/week = $940/year
3 days/week = $1,400/year
4 days/week = $1,775/year
5 days/week = $2,165/year
Drop-in = $35/day
Sunset Club (YCC age 2-3)
1 day/week = $975/year
2 days/week = $1,825/year
3 days/week = $2,695/year
4 days/week = $3,580/year
5 days/week = $4,275/year
Drop-In = $40/day
Sunset Club (Age 3- Grade 6)
1 day/week = $970/year
2 days/week = $1,800/year
3 days/week = $2,500/year
4 days/week = $3,260/year
5 days/week = $4,000/year
Drop-In = $40/day
2024-25 Required fees
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